Send / Receive emails from others mail id
Trick to cheat some one and/or keep your self safe
When some one left without signing out from his/her mail box , you can receive his /her mails in your mail box & send emails to his/her friends/others as if he/ she sent that email for life time.
yaa that's true. by using the services provided by gmail u can do this....
Step 1: how to receive his emails afterwards
If he/she uses gmail:
go to setting >> forwarding & POP >> check forwarding option >> enter your email id>> save settings, thats all . you will receive emails in your in box that are sent to his/her id
If he/she use yahoo mail:
go to options [right up corner]>> check forwarding box >> enter your email id click save>> go to your in box >> check mail>> click on confirmation email. thats will receive emails in your in box that are sent to his/her id
Step2: how to send emails by his/her email address
go to your gmail>> go to settings>> click on the accounts tab>> click add another email >> enter his email id>> go to his/her inbox >> check in box >> click confirmation link
now you can send emails using his/her id from your email , go to compose mail toggle between your id and his her id i.e. you can send emails as his/her id
Step 3: copying his her contacts to your contacts
If he/she uses gmail:
go to contacts of his email >> click export>> go to your gmail id>> go to contacts click import. thats all
go to contacts >> click export> then in your contacts click import
Now you can send receive emails as that fellow do
How to keep your self safe from others applying these tricks on you
Tricks can also be used for switching from other old email ids to new gmail id.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009 2:32:00 PM
When some one left without signing out from his/her mail box , you can receive his /her mails in your mail box & send emails to his/her friends/others as if he/ she sent that email for life time.
Thursday, February 19, 2009 7:51:00 AM forwarding can be misused. I guess the email providers should keep reminding the email users of any forwarding options if set. The best option will be to verify the forwarding email address with the open ID of google.